Tuesday 22 April 2008

Part [1] INTENTIONS - Exam Project proposal

Project title: The Body - For young and older readers

The Aim: is to create a visual solution which communicates the body and how it functions to two audiences. Merging two age groups into one product, converging something which is usually separate into one which will hopefully deliver a sharing experience encouraging both parties to investigate further. The book is intended to be an educational support which provides the older reader with facts and the knowledge to guide a child through the learning process.

The Brief: An illustrated explanation of the body’s functionality in the form of a book. The book as a whole will be created as an encyclopaedia/manual which will be divided to accommodate both adults and children. Both age groups will have access to scientific information of the same facts but the style and content will differ according to the age group.
The older reader or parent will be provided with a biomedical illustrated manual with information about the body’s functionality. The younger reader or sibling will be provided with a colourful and playful illustrative explanation about different parts of the body and how it functions.

Style: Adults
The adults section will form a manual which is part text based and part illustration, with the inclusion of black and white diagrams/technical drawings.

Style: Children
The child’s section will be in the form of an illustrated encyclopaedia, containing colourful illustrations and simple text. Experimentation with textures and pop-ups with in the book will encourage a child to explore and interact with the book.

Both young and older readers will have a clear divide in the book, as the illustrative elements and language used with in the book will differ and be contained on the left side for adults and the right side for children.

1 comment:

Claire said...

I used to collect a series of magazine type (hardback) kids books that focussed on the body. Each one looked at a different part and all the characters lived in the body and traveled around explaining how it worked. It was nearly 20 years ago so I doubt they'll be easy to google, but the idea really worked well.