Monday, 10 December 2007

Observing Systems - Art from a Systems- Theoretical Perspective

I found the essay quite hard to read at first, the wording was realy difficult and I found it quite tireing. Dan went through the text with us and I found it very helpful and began to get an idea of what the essay was about. Dan explained some of the wording and the essay its self made alot of sense once it was explained. I am going to continue to look at systems theory in more detail, as I found it realy interesting. I will look at how systems work and what systems I will be using whilst creating my current project, which is design for interaction.

Some interesting points from the text
Ghetto-isation - a seperation from everything else
Systems Theory applies to everything
De-materialisation of an art object (Theres lots of ways we can consume culture, its not just one way eg Big Brother. Theres 24hr television, News bulletins,teletext , internet)ect.
Renaissance = re-birth of classical values
Quontum physics


Claire said...

You mention an interest in cybernetics, I too find the area appealing to research and am currently reading an essay for my dissertation called 'Cybernation to Interaction'. The term cybernation comes from the word cybernetics, and it might be of interest also to you. It takes a couple of pages before the writer clarifies some of the terms he is using, but once he does it sinks in quite well. Read this if you liked Walter Benjamins essay on the age of mechanical reproduction, or cybernetics...

Claire said...

Totall off topic, but don't have your e-mail. Just saw a post on Gumtree that might interest you. A DVD company is looking for someone who speaks Welsh to do an hours work with them and earn £40.

If it does, have a look here:

DAN STONEMAN (DJ / Producer / Designer) said...

Hi Beth, Got a great link for your research into Shadows, check out the John Lewis christmas advert blog I put up on my blog!