Saturday, 24 November 2007

More shadow installations

Big Shadow is a public installation promoting the Xbox game Blue Dragon in which the viewers shadow becomes a dragon during fights.
The promotion of the game using Big Shadow is based on shadow-play:

"We projected magnified shadows of ordinary people in town and created a system whereby they could play with their own shadows. A person’s shadow is projected as a giant shadow image, which can suddenly change into the shape of a dragon. This creates a new and engaging interactive experience.

A shadow can also be manipulated via the Web while viewing a webcam image. We wanted to provide a fresh experience that links the city and the Internet as well as people and shadows."


Claire said...

Just had a thought that mght be of interest to you. One of my favorite designers creates interactive installations, and she did one where text falls on a wall, and the letters rest on your shadow spelling out a poem. Your shadow can pick up shadows of the text and letters like magic. If that sounds interesting to you here it is:

Kelly Purves said...

really like the shadow stuff you posted. the website me and dan were telling you about is

it looks fantastic, hope it helps.

Claire said...

Might be of interest to you(it's about a shdow installation):

Naomi Knight said...

Yo betherina!!! heres a link for some sort of idea on freezing shadows, might be of interest!