Monday, 15 October 2007

Future Concepts-Research so far

Over the past couple of weeks I have been thinking about how technology has progressed and developed over the past ten years. In my opinion some of the hightlights of the past ten years include, Increased internet access, Java technology,Usb, Mobile phones and Plasma and LCD Tv's.
I feel that the innovations mentioned above have had a dramatic impact on our lives as electronic consumers.
The Breif is concerned with the development of a concept that addresses the future our concept has to include an element of reality and be informed by any emerging or current trend.

Converged Technology in 2007
Technology as we know it today has come a long way in ten years, technology that we use on a day to day basis is becoming converged. The mobile phone used to be one seperate product in its own right, but now mobile phones are combined with camera's, Video,MP3 players and have access to the internet. Technology is becoming personal. Computers are now becoming a second self, our lives and personal interests are stored inside te machine, we use them to have video chats with freinds and family, watch tv and dvd's, listen to music, pay bills, all these things and more used to be seperate elements or products but are now combined and converged into one product.

Research into designers future visions
I Purchased a book ( ON/OFF New Electronic Products by Mel Byers) which I have found of interest for this breif, the book includes products that are already in mass production but also a number of concept models are included, revealing designers future visions.

Hella Jongerius - 'My Soft Office' Future Concept.
Hella Jongerius has taken technology to an ultimate personal level she combines technology with homely living objects that we use everyday.
Check out her work at

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